Three years ago today...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I met Joey.

What's funny is that I had no idea I was to meet someone who would become such a big part of my life. My best friend Melanie and I had attended Fake Prom at Lee's Palace and I guess we attracted some attention that night dressed in fancy dresses with polka dots and red feather boas. A group of boys stopped to talk to us and that's when I met Joey. We had a very strange conversation about dogs needing therapy and other nonsense, but at the end of it he asked for my email address and I blurted it out to him. He didn't write it down or anything so I thought that would be the last of him.

I was wrong.

The following Monday I received an email asking if I had any pesky dogs that needed therapy. Some emails were exchanged and the following weekend we had our first date.

Joey has supported me in such a big way over the last 3 years. He was incredibly supportive of my Weight Watchers journey and was really happy for me when I got to goal. When I first moved into his place, there was a box of leftover phad thai and some vinegar in the fridge along with some cereal and ramen noodles in the cupboard, so ANY cooking was a bonus for him at that point! He took care of me when I got sick in 2007 (my first Crohn's flare up) and helped to bring me back to health. With my Crohn's diagnosis and journey to healing that ensued, Joey has been my #1 supporter. When I decided to change my diet, he was nothing but loving and told me that he would eat whatever I made and didn't want me to make separate meals.

Joey encouraged me to become a Weight Watchers leader and was behind me 100% when I left my old job. When I come home on Saturdays he always asks about my meetings and gets excited withe me about the successes of my members. We have a lot of fun together and makes me laugh more than any other person I know. He's an incredibly talented musician and I love listening to him sing whether it's in our basement, onstage or on my ipod. He has come with me to doctor's appointments, sent me flowers after my diagnosis and has always been there at end of the day to give me a big hug and a kiss and tell me that everything was going to be okay.

I feel so blessed to have him in my life and today I wanted to write this post to say thank you.

I love you Joey.


skinny me! said...

awww sweet post. He sounds like an awesome guy! :)

Ludmila said...

Congratulations on your anniversary, Ashley. Sounds like you have a wonderful partner. Celebrate!

LauraA said...

Aww congratulations to you both!! I never knew the story of how you met, so cute!

niki said...

You guys look so great together!

Meghan (Making Love In The Kitchen) said...

So sweet! I want a theme song with the slide show. What would your theme song be??? So important.

39 To Go! said...

how nice! Happy Anniversary! :)

Lauren said...

How Sweet! :) Congrats on your anniversary!! Any man who takes care of their women during a Crohn's flare is okay in my book! :) My husband has been by my side since day one!

Anonymous said...

You guys make a great team and a great looking couple too!

Lucky you for meeting such a wonderful guy!!

Unknown said...

What a sweet post. Thanks for sharing with us! :) It is so important to have the right support along the way in life, sounds like you have a great guy! :)

Ashley Gibson said...

Awww thanks everyone!! Having the right support team is soooo important. When I got sick we didn't know what it was and when I was finally better he just kept telling me how he hoped I never got sick like that again. It was pretty scary.

As for a theme song...

It might sound weird but the "Sam's Town" album by The Killers always reminds me of Joey. We used to listen to it a lot back at the old apartment.

A Beatles song would be suitable as well (perhaps I Will?) since Joey has really introduced me to world of Beatles' tunes! Sometimes we sit and sing songs and harmonize :)

There's also a song Joey wrote about me called "Taking on the Planet". He doesn't play it very often, but when he does it makes me smile nonstop!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary! You look amazing together...its wonderful when you find your soul mate. Love the rock too!

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