A strange new vegetable

Sunday, August 23, 2009

SANY1988It’s called Romanesco Broccoli and it’s a hybrid between a cauliflower and broccoli. I saw it at the Carrot on Saturday and was intrigued. Joey was a little afraid, but agreed that it tasted really good (like cauliflower).

I steamed it just like I would cauliflower or broccoli and we enjoyed it with some brown rice and veggie burgers for a satisfying dinner.


Scary or cool?


Becki said...

i think it looks super cool.
i'd give it a try! Why not?

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Haha that's actually one of the ONLY vegetables (if not THE only) vegetables that I just do not like - the romanesco "thing" (as I refer to it, haha) :)

GF Gidget said...

COOL! I really want to make purple cauliflower.
I have the strangest fruit EVER ripening on my counter. It should be ready in about a week. Look for my post then. It is CRAZY I tell you.

Nicci said...

Looks freaky/cool! never heard of it. I'll have to search for this one next time I grocery shop.

Catherine said...


Your blog is so inspiring! I am currently doing Weight Watchers, am gluten free, and just decided yesterday that I was going to try going dairy free as well. In searching for some help with meals on the web, I came across your blog and, not only am I amazed at your accomplishments, but what you write is so encouraging, and you help give me confidence in knowing that I can be just as successful.

Thank you so much for your dedication to this blog and for sharing your wonderful story. Congrats on such a healthy, happy life!


39 To Go! said...

hahaha that is so funny looking!

Anonymous said...

Ummm...........I'm frightened

Ashley Gibson said...

Katrina - I am excited to see your fruit!!!

Cat - Thanks for the super sweet message!! Glad that you were able to get some info and inspiration on my blog - that's why I write it! I really appreciate that you took the time to leave a comment. Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions! WW is a great plan and it can totally work with a gluten free/dairy free diet. It's about sticking to the yummy Filling Foods :)

Everyone's reactions to my strange veggie were really funny!!! I had no idea it would generate such a response! (VeggieGirl - I think you and Joey would totally agree on this veggie, he was not impressed with me for bringing it home!)

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