Ashley takes a vacation and makes a video

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am going on vacation so I made a video for this post. Please be patient with me as this is my first video and I do apologize for whirring noise that kicks in after a couple of minutes! I hope you can still hear me okay. This was fun and I may begin doing videos once in awhile. Let me know what you think (or if you would prefer I stick to writing my posts)

I found
Cream Hill Estates Gluten Free Oats at Wholesome Food Market at 2234 Queen Street East (at Beech Ave). They had 500 g or 1kg boxes of the oats and I also noticed that they carried the oat flour as well.

Meal recipes:

Snickerdoodle oatmeal (I blended mine to be super creamy!)
Cran Apple Salad
Veggie Wraps

In-a-Rush Curried Hummus

(This is an approximation because I was seriously rushing... I think next time I would use more curry powder)

1 can chickpeas, rinsed
1 tbsp curry powder
3 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp oil of choice (I used EVOO)
pinch salt

Whirl everything together in your food processor.
Great with veggies or crackers

As I said about 8 times in the video, I hope you have an amazing week and I will be back this weekend with a recap of the vacation goodness!


GF Gidget said...

YAY! I'm so glad you enjoyed them and thanks for the shout-out! Have a fabulous vacation!

Unknown said...

What a fun way to post...loved the video! Have a lovely time in Niagara Falls :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! Great vid and It sounds like you are enjoying your vacation! In terms of whether I prefer video to writing: I get to see you live every Saturday, so I'm ok with either! You are a terrific writer, but videos are probably much quicker for you.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

So glad that you had a chance to sleep in, try some new GF oats (Snickerdoodle oats?? Holy yum!!).

And I hope that you have fun at yoga and out with your friend having tea!! And enjoy the meeting tonight as well!!

Also, thank you SO much for the planning tips - we can't live without planning ahead, for sure. Hooray for Larabars!! :-D

Haha, the dehumidifier turning on was hilarious :-D

Have a blast in Niagara Falls, girl!! Clifton Hill is awesome, especially. And I'll pray that the rain stays away!!

Oh and CONGRATULATIONS on 'Annie'!! Good luck with rehearsals.

Lauren said...

Great video! You have a nice! :) Have a lovely vacation!! :)

Chocolate-Covered Katie said...

Favorite blogger award goes to you! (Especially since you blended the oats lol)

Hope you have a fab-o vacation!

And I entered you 7 times. Thanks so much for making a recipe :)

Becki said...

i love video's! You're awesome.
Have a wonderful time in Niagara! Let's have coffee before the summer's over!

Did I tell you I'm doing choreo for Annie in October? Funnn times! I can't wait to see your show! :)

Unknown said...

I liked the video post! Very cool! I love hummus and I dont know why I never thought to add curry powder to it before??!!! Great idea THANKS! :) Have fun on vacation!! :)

CoconutGal said...

I didn't think I could love you more but after this video, I do! You are adorable and gorgeous and just as sweet as I imagined! When are you coming to visit me girl?! Seriously! Have an amazing vacay, way to plan ahead (I am working on that right now for ours) and yayyy for time alone with Joey! Love ya :)

Vivian said...

Hey Ashley,
I just randomly stumbled upon your blog through yoga. This probably is weird, but then I realized that we went to high school together (we did yearbook together). Anyway, great blog! Really informative and on a topic I'm really interested in - healthy living. The calenders are a cool idea, I think I'm gonna try using one to keep me motivated in working out regularly. Thanks for all the ideas and your inspiring journey. Keep up the great work! Take care,

Anonymous said...

Love the video, and the writing!(but I love variety!!)

Have a great vacation with Joey and my fingers crossed the rain stays away!

(Moved my

thewwchick said...

Ashley, you are the cutest! I looooove the video. Please post more. You did a great job putting it all together.

Linz said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the video post! Seriously, it's fantastic!!!

I love getting the little slice of your real life this way! :)


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