Go Big Or Go Home – 2010 Goal Setting

Thursday, December 31, 2009

As I was preparing to write this post, I found out that a dear member of my theatre company passed away. He was such an amazing man and supporter of the arts and will be greatly missed. It won’t be the same to perform without him in the audience on opening night. My thoughts are with his family and friends.

I led a Weight Watchers meeting this morning and shared the following quote with my members:

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

2009 was a big year for me filled with self-discover, healing, good friends and food and I’m really proud of all that I’ve accomplished. This year I am committing to living every day to the fullest and working towards big, fat, juicy, positive, inspiring goals including:

  • Taking care of myself by eating well, tracking, drinking tea, sleeping, practicing yoga, spending time with friends, singing, writing, dancing and working out
  • Taking advantage of my education and being an active participant in my classes
  • Helping even more members reach their goals with Weight Watchers, including getting to Lifetime
  • Journaling regularly, writing a book, blogging regularly and exploring other writing opportunities
  • Raising a minimum $2,500 for the Toronto Heel n Wheel a Thon and continuing to raise awareness of IBD through my role as Honorary Chair and fun initiatives on the blog
  • Giving my all in my performing career through my upcoming role in REX, getting new headshots and actively auditioning for awesome roles

When I was in theatre school, we were told that we should either “Go Big or Go Home” and I think that will be my motto for the coming year. I am not going to let the fear of success stand in my way in any aspect of my life. I encourage you to do the same in your life. What have you been aspiring to do in recent years, but haven’t committed yourself to fully? What has been standing in your way? What can you do to change that this year? What are your juicy goals for 2010? What can you do to go big or go home?

If you’re looking to be more active this year, why not print off my latest activity chart and get started?


I’ve been looking forward to 2010 for awhile now and I’m absolutely thrilled that we’re hours away. Wishing each and every one of you health and happiness in the year to come. I look forward to hearing about your goals and watching you achieve them in 2010. Here’s to a great, big beautiful year!


SUMMERmodel said...

Hey hey :) I love your calendars!!

But have you seen this calendar yet (http://blog.druckerei.de/zwitschern-fuer-den-wandkalender-2010/)?

It's a twitter one from www.druckerei.de and I think it looks just way to cute ;)) You'll get three of those for free just in case you do a blog about it.

I wish you all a happy new year!!!!

Danielle said...

Hi Ashley! I've been a follower of your blog for awhile, your story is so inspiring! Best of luck to you in 2010, it sounds like its shaping up to be a great one!

Vivian said...

May 2010 bring even greater things! :) Happy new year!


Lynn said...

Happy New Year Ashley!
Just found your blog! My good fortune for 2010. I am a life member at WW. Do want to loose 8 lbs.
Happy fitness :)

Ashley Gibson said...

Happy New Year gals! I'm excited to see others make big, juicy goals. I think 2010 is going to be an amazing year!

Mary :: A Merry Life said...

That activity chart is so cute! Someone gave me a link to your site for me to get these and I LOVE them! You are so adorable! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice calendar, Ashley:) New year...new goals! I'm running another half marathon at the end of February and I reaaaaaally am committed to tracking this year. I WILL make lifetime in 2010!!!

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