Wow, is it Monday already? I feel like last week went by in a blur and this weekend was absolutely jam packed!!
I had to laugh at myself the other day whilst in the fruit and veggie market because my basket was just overflowing with green stuffCollards, kale, and flowers. I’ve decided to treat myself to fresh flowers each week because I love having them in my room! They perk me up and make they space feel homey and fresh. Collards and kale were turned into a lovely meal of steamed veggies with collard wraps.
I filled the collards with sunflower seed pate, avocado, red pepper and sprouts and paired them with some steamed kale, bok choy and beets.
Collards are an awesome vehicle for whatever you want and have an incredibly mild, fresh flavour. The wraps are super easy (basically just a collard leaf with the hard stem at the end cut out) I will definitely be making them again! My eyes were bigger than my stomach and I ended up passing off of my wraps to one of the roomies who happily obliged.
Ashley had me over on Friday night for some pre-outing green stuff and goodies. Quinoa with carrot, kale, sprouts, beets and pumpkin seeds with thai spices. So simple and delicious!! I felt like I was having a bowl at Fresh. While the bowl was yummy and nourishing, the highlight had to be her raw vegan brownies.
Oh. My. God. Were they ever freaking DELICIOUS! She was worried about the icing because there had been a bit of a disaster with the food processor and an under ripe avocado, so she used banana instead which was delightful!! We enjoyed a fun night out with our friend Lauren from school and Lauren’s roommates & friends.
On Saturday I led three energetic meetings and had 3 people reach their 10% target, 4 people reach their goal and 2 other people get to Lifetime!! I was on such a high and found myself leaping and squealing a lot – not that this is abnormal for me at my meetings! I think my members have come to expect it.
On Saturday night I had the pleasure of going to the Centre of Gravity for the 50th instalment of Lunacy Cabaret. The theme was “Golddiggers and Millionaires” so my roommates and I took the opportunity to dress up in our finest, but my camera and I were not getting along so I didn’t get a ton of pictures! I managed to snap a few self photos before we left…
I love playing dress up and having an opportunity to wear my fishnets and boas and pretty bling! The show was a lot of fun and I will definitely be going back at some point! Lots of funny, talented performers interspersed with amazing circus-inspired acts including aerials, stilts and fire eating! Here’s a taste of the finale:
I would have taken more footage but my camera died! There were hula hoops, stilt walkers and other acrobatics going on, all in white with the black light on. If you’re in Toronto, definitely a cool event to check out and it happens once a month. I love that there’s a circus training facility in the middle of Little India!! I would love to add some circus skills to my repertoire!!
I love green stuff, dressing up and good friends – who can ask for anything more?
How was your weekend? Did you do anything cool for Earth Hour?
Love all the green things- and those raw vegan brownies... I'm so jealous!!
I'm kind of sad I didn't go to an Earth Hour party, I was just here with the boy! The weekend was fun though, I discovered a new organic food market (you Torontonians have been holding out on me!! haha) and went to the Yoga show =D
Those wraps look awesome! I have made that Sunflower seed pate and it is delicious!
This weekend we got together we some friends to watch a movie on the food industry called Fresh. I also spent a few hours compiling Green Tips and planning Earth Day festivities for the month of April for work.
Love all the GREEN action!!! Raw brownies =heaven!!!! :)
I think that's awesome you get so excited for your WW peeps.Does walking instead of riding while golfing count towards Earth Day ? :-)
Those collard wraps look really yum, I will have to try that! I don't know why but I can totally see you doing circus stuff like being a trapeze girl or walking a tightrope!
Your food always looks SO good!
I just can't get into collard greens. I shoudl just buy some, and take a risk. :)
{found you on blogher, and impressed you lead WW meetings, I'm really enjoying being on WW since the beginning of the year}
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