Celebrating at the 2009 Weight Watchers Celebration Meeting

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday was very exciting.

I started off my morning with 3 fantastic meetings. The topic this week was the Good Health Guidelines and we had some great discussion on how to incorporate them into our meals each day as well as their importance. I also had a member reach their goal weight, 2 reach their 25 lb milestone, lots of other losses and non-scale victories and another member getting to Lifetime (after losing 42 lbs on the program).

Achieving Lifetime membership is a very exciting milestone with Weight Watchers. As you go through your journey, you eventually set an ultimate weight goal. When you reach that goal we celebrate in the meeting room, discuss the maintenance phase and the member is awarded a silver star for their keychain (bling!) After at least six weeks of maintenance, if the member is within 2 lbs of their goal weight they are awarded Lifetime membership, which has a ton of benefits including only having to weigh in officially once each month, a gold key for their keychain, being eligible to become a Weight Watchers staff member and not having to pay for meetings (as long as they continue to maintain) Getting to Lifetime is hard work and as I always tell my members “there is no save button at goal”. It is a pretty exciting time in the meeting room and it is incredibly inspirational for other members to see people getting to Lifetime.

On Saturday afternoon I skipped over to the the 2009 Weight Watchers Celebration Meeting for my Territory with some amazing friends. SANY2478Avra and Lindsay (on my left and right) both became Lifetime members this year at my meeting and both made the decision to become staff members. I met Jess through Weight Watchers and watched her become Lifetime earlier this year. She knew right away that she wanted to become a staff member and recently completed her leader training. Lindsay T and I did our Leader training together back in 2007. Since then, we’ve attended 2 of these meetings together and it was thrilling to be celebrating together once again with these newbies. I am also thankful for the amazing friendships I have made as a result of Weight Watchers! It is such a pleasure to work with others who share a passion for this program and believe in giving their members the best experience possible.

The objective of the Celebration Meeting is to celebrate (duh). There’s a lot of amazing things happening within the Weight Watchers organization and this is an opportunity for staff to get together and celebrate the year in our territory.

I was incredibly pleased that Lindsay and I were both recognized for our efforts as Leaders. We both received awards for having members in our meeting rooms who have lost over 100 lbs. SANY2468 So pretty!! It’s been my honour to lead members to all amounts of weight loss, and to have a 100 lbs loser at my location has been so inspiring.

Lindsay was awarded the Diamond Leader award which is given to a Leader that meets a ton of criteria and I was incredibly proud of her. Lindsay is a fantastic Leader and it shows because her members are incredibly successful!

I received an award for having the most members in my meeting reach Lifetime. This year, I helped 23 members reach Lifetime!!!

SANY2470 (2)

I was so excited!! I actually started to tear up a bit. My team celebrated with me and I thanked them for letting me do what I do and not have to worry about any of the behind-the-scenes efforts. My team recognized me for my enthusiasm and passion in the meeting room.

SANY2482 I want to carry this around with me all the time.

I absolutely love what I do and find such joy in attending and leading my meetings each week. I have the best members and am so proud of all that they have accomplished. I always so that I have the best “job” in the world and yesterday’s festivities was really icing on the cake. I couldn’t be happier!!

I’m looking forward to another fantastic year ahead with Weight Watchers and celebrating with my staff, peers and these 4 lovely ladies again next year!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Congratulations on your wonderful leadership!

GF Gidget said...

Congratulations! You are an inspiration!

Sadie said...

Way to go Ash!! You look great!

Crystal said...

Congratulations Ashley, I'm so proud of you!!

I actually wanted to find out what meetings you do. I've thought about doing WW meetings for 3 years now and thought that if I actually make the jump that I'd like to either have YOU or JESS (when she gets a meeting) to be my leader. You both are so inspirational and very positive and I love that about you guys :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on all of your achievements! I'm struggling with a leader that I do not care for and even though I have expressed interest in becoming a leader after goal, she has yet to even encourage me or talk to me about the process. I see so many great WW leaders out there (like yourself) and I feel so cheated with mine. I had the BEST when I first started but I moved, she stopped working after he second baby, and I guess I got attached to the people at the meeting more so than the leader....so I never looked elsewhere. Sorry...I wrote a BOOK! lol

Nicci said...

Congrats on your award Ashely!

Pure2Raw Twins said...

Congratulations on the award!! You and the rest of the ladies in the picture are beautiful...you all should feel proud!! Keep inspiring people : )

Ashley Gibson said...

Thank you so much everyone!! Your words mean so much to me and I was so happy to share this news with everyone.

Crystal - I would love to have you visit one of my meetings!! I'm at the Carrot Common on Saturday mornings (Meetings at 8:15, 9:30 and 10:30) and we would love to have you there. You're able to check out a meeting for free before signing up officially so you should come check it out sometime! Meetings are awesome and the people at my location are amazing. Send me an email if you have questions!

TJ - I'm sorry that you're frustrated with your leader. Are there other meetings in your area you could test out? It's important to have a leader/group you can connect to. As people we're all different, which makes every leader different and it's important that you have one that "clicks" for you.

Linz said...

SO very proud of you, Ash!!!!!

Congratulations - I'm so glad your hard work has been recognized officially!

Meg's Gut said...

Congrats on your awards Ashley!
The necklace is very pretty :)

Ludmila said...

Congratulations Ashley! You certainly deserve the praise.

As one of the people who benefit from your positive energy and dedication, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Emily said...

Congrats on all of your accomplishments. I truly think inspiring others and helping them to achieve their goals is one of the best things in the entire world.

Melissa said...

Congrats!! You must be an awesome leader!

Nachos said...

Congrat Ashley!

P.s. Love the dress!!!

39 To Go! said...

Congrats Ashley! You are such a great leader. It's great to see you get recognized for it! :)

Allie said...

Congratulations again Ash!

I'm so happy that you were recognized for your talents as a leader and yes I definitely think it's a talent to be a WW leader. You're fantastic and inspirational which reminds me that I need to get my tush out to your meeting pronto.


Anonymous said...

Ashley - you soooo deserve this award. You are an amazing leader and I'm so proud of you!!!

Karen Kelly said...

Ashley - Its great to read your blog and so exciting to see my 25lb bling mentioned in there!! My success so far is definitely a testament to your leadership of the meeting and the support I am getting at home and from my friends. It all works.

Thanks for your energy and your blog.

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