Who Am I?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Loaded question, no?

A few weeks ago, I had new headshots taken by the lovely Tee Schneider. Tee and I had worked together when I was at musical theatre school, when her husband directed me in a show. We had some fairly intense moments working together (the show was Judith Thompson’s Lion in the Streets. I played Scarlett, a woman with Cerebral Palsy who had a fantastic night time love affair who dies via the “kiss of death” by a local newspaper reporter) kissofdeath so I knew that I was going to feel incredibly comfortable working with her again. Anything was going to be easier than that, right?

An actor’s headshot is incredibly important. Your headshot is your sales pitch and is essentially your vehicle for getting into an audition. I’ve been using the same headshot for a couple of years now ashleygibsonsmall and while it has done me well, it was time for something that reflected redheaded Ashley of 2010.

Shoot day was a lot of fun. I brought about 75% of my wardrobe as instructed by Tee,SANY2981snacks,SANY2986and  an ipod loaded with A Fine Frenzy, Death Cab, Spice Girls, Foo Fighters, Idina Menzel and lots of my favourite tunes. I prettied up my hairSANY2982 and hopped on a streetcar to head over to the studio. SANY2984 Isn’t being an actor glamorous??

When I arrived we sorted through my wardrobeSANY2989 made tea and got the tunes rocking before shooting for the next five hours. I felt super comfortable with Tee. We caught up on life, laughed and had fun deciding on different looks. We wanted to create some options for casting. This included a healthy, fitness-type, AG-7hip young mom, AG-15urban business woman,AG-22 and CSI-esque agent look. AG-54When I got my shots back, I was overwhelmed. AG-76Maybe because of everything that has been going on lately I felt like I was having a bit of an identity crisis or maybe because there were so many shots to choose from I was overwhelmed by the selection; whatever it was, I had no idea which picture I wanted to represent me. While many of them made great pictures, I needed more than that. I needed a headshot that looked like me and was going to showcase me as a youthful, dynamic, charismatic, vibrant actress with a little bit of an edge. AG-89This final shot is the one I think I’ve decided on as my main photo (although I’m sure I will use some of the other photos for specific opportunities. Does you know anyone who is casting for a cop drama??). Choosing a headshot had made me look at myself as a performer more objectively and also begged the question, where does performing fit into my life? I think I still need to ponder that one a little bit but believe it needs to fit into my Go Big or Go Home motto of 2010

Having new headshots is incredibly exciting! A special thank you to Tee for making it such an enjoyable experience and giving me so many options. I’m really looking forward to submitting for more roles in the months to come and continue pursuing another one of my passions.

In the Toronto area? I will be playing Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth in
REX from February 17 – March 6. Only one week to opening!!
Check out Richard Ouzounian’s interview with Sheldon Harnick in today’s Toronto Star


Anonymous said...

Ashley, you are absolutely STUNNING. Beautiful beautiful photos...you're glowing!


Kristin (Cook, Bake and Nibble) said...

Wow, Ashley those pictures are amazing! You look fab with red hair =D

I AM in the Toronto area and I will see if I can make it to that show =) I'll let ya know if I do!


Allie said...

You are gorgeous darlin'! Love them all.

Amy said...

STUNNING! Your eyes are grogeous.

I wish I lived closwer so I could check out that play. Sad part is, I'm moving to TO until the end of June... but not leaving until mid March!

Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty said...

Wow girl,
You are beyond gorgeous!! Fabulous shots!!

John said...

You looked great in each photo so yes definitely a tough choice. I'm not an actor but it sounds good to have different photos for different parts you're going for. So you only hand in one photo and not multiple even if it's only say 2-3?

My blog: http://challenges2010.wordpress.com/

Nicci said...

I love the last picture and the ''Young Mom' look. All great shots though.

Jocelyn said...

Those new headshots are absolutely beautiful! You are absolutely beautiful :) :)

Jenn said...

You are very beautiful! The new shots are a great way to start 2010!

Pure2raw said...

You take beautiful pictures!!! Just beautiful ; ) If I lived near you I would come see you...best of luck!

Anonymous said...

the urban business woman is sexilicious!

Duddes02 said...

Your pictures are GREAT..I love the hair. In fact, comparing it to the brunette pic...you look younger and more spunky

Meghan (Making Love In The Kitchen) said...

Someone's a hottie. But I knew that already.

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