This month at Weight Watchers, we’ve been talking about working towards at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day. We did a similar challenge last year with much success and last week we (once again) discussed incorporating a rainbow of colour into our meals.
I love colour and making meals pretty by using a variety of colour is a lot of fun and tends to make food much more interesting. Summer is an amazing time for colour in the produce section with tonnes of amazing fruits and veggies that are just bursting with colour!! With this in mind, I headed to the East Lynn Farmer’s Market on Thursday to pick up some goodies.
I was super impressed with the organization and the number of booths. I also learned later that members of the community take turns feeding the farmers and ensuring that they are well taken care of. Love that!
I picked up some carrots, cauliflower, swiss chard, kale, peaches, eggplant and one of the farmers threw in some complimentary lemon basil – amazing!!
I had Lindsay over for dinner last night and made the cauliflower lentil curry from Veganomicon over some quinoa I left out the jalapeño and the parsnip and added in some Swiss chard in the last 5 minutes of cooking. It was such a yummy meal and a great use for the cauliflower and the chard! Later in the week I’ll be putting the kale to use in a salad (inspired by the one at Live) and the eggplants will be used in a dish inspired by Noelle at an Opera in the Kitchen.
How do you incorporate a rainbow of colour into your meals? What are your tips for getting in at least five servings of fruits & veggies each day?
I eat at least 1 giant salad a day and make vegetables the largest portion on my dinner plate.
I have a lot of smoothies for my meals so have no problem getting in my fruit and veggies usually. Most times they are frozen but that''s better than not having them in the first place. Frozen makes a very nice and cold smoothie.
Wow, I cant believe its a year since we last did this challenge. I was thinking about it over the past few weeks actually and thinking about how good it was, it made me focus on getting in more fruits and veggies just for the fun of it... I might have to challenge myself to do this again.
Ooooo totally do the challenge again!! Such a great way to get back on track.
Frozen fruits are so delightful in smoothies. Frozen grapes are also an amazing snack!!
All the produce from the farmers markets looks great. Don't you just love shopping at them? :)
I drink a lot of smoothies, veggies and hummus.
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