First Test, 89%

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There was definitely a dance of joy that went along with this!!


Katie said...


Lauren said...

Congrats!! Awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dance of joy, dance of joy!!!

La la la la la!!! So happy for you - congrats!

Michelle said...

Wtg Ashley... It's wonderful that you are following a path that you enjoy so much. :)

Catherine said...

Congratulations! How exciting!! :)

Anonymous said...

Smarty pants:) Congrats!

Megan said...

Good work!!

Alex said...

Hey, that a magnet? Ashley, did you put your test up on your fridge?

Haha, I did that with my first test too :)


Becca said...

Great job!!

Annika said...

you know what I love about this pic? (aside from your fantastic mark!) All the terms listed there get me really excited! I'm pretty sure one day when I come to Ontario to visit we'll be able to geek it up together!

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