Get Moving into 2009
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Some of the ladies on the 20's board expressed a desire to get back into activity and after talking with Lindsay last night, it seems like it's something that a lot of us need to do. So I've created this chart (similar to the lovely WW Chick's for fall) to jot down your activity goals, your activity minute goal and a place to put a sticker for every day that you work out from now until the new year. Let's all get moving!! You can also comment on this post and tell me your goals for the next 35 days - I will post mine too! Happy moving!!

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My activity goal for the month is to attend belly dancing every week, go to hot yoga at least TWICE this month and get out to walk whenever I can.
I'm aiming for 600 activity minutes this month
I love this calendar, thanks for putting it up. I've printed it and it's on my fridge. I really need to make myself accountable here. My goal for this month is to do a minimum 4 days a week-20 minutes of excercise videos,my excercise machines,or walking my dogs.
I'm aiming for 400min this month.
Thank you very much for doing this. I need help with my activity so this i hope helps.
My goals are to do 30 minutes activity at least 4 days/week for a total of 600 minutes.
I havent decided on specific activities to do, but this is it for now :)
My goals are to do pilates once a week, do 20 minutes of machine cardio twice a week, do 20 minutes strength training twice a week, and do 30 minutes of WiiFit each day. That works out to 1400 minutes a month.
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